Woman undergoes surgery: When a doctor makes a mistake, her life changes abruptly

New South Wales (Australia) - She is only 19 years young and has already had to go through so much: Ambar-Rose Powell underwent an operation for her endometriosis. Due to a mistake by the surgeon, she developed sepsis and fell into a coma for several days. Today, it is unclear whether the young woman will ever be able to give birth naturally.

A routine operation has turned Ambar-Rose's life upside down.
A routine operation has turned Ambar-Rose's life upside down.  © Screenshot/GoFundMe

Her ordeal began at the tender age of eleven. Ambar-Rose suffered from irregular menstrual cycles and recurring abdominal pain.

"It slowly got worse and worse. I went to several hospitals to find out what was wrong - but they only ever found ovarian cysts," the Australian told the Daily Mail.

It wasn't until years later that Ambar-Rose was diagnosed with endometriosis, a condition in which growths of endometrial tissue grow. This summer, she was scheduled for an important operation to remove the diseased tissue. The hope was that this would reduce the pain.

But after the procedure, the nightmare began: "My surgeon told me they had never seen so much endometriosis. They went in, removed it and accidentally injured my bowel in the process."

Ambar-Rose: "I had trouble lifting a pen"

Ambar-Rose receives support from her boyfriend.
Ambar-Rose receives support from her boyfriend.  © Screenshot/Facebook/Ambar Powell

This was followed by sepsis and twelve days in a coma. Ambar-Rose was confined to bed for two and a half weeks and had to learn to walk again. "I couldn't sit upright on my own either because I lacked the core muscles. I had trouble lifting a pen because it was too heavy," says the trained geriatric nurse.

Since the operation, Ambar-Rose's life has changed dramatically. She is dependent on help and is currently unable to do her job. Her lifelong dream had always been to become a mother. But it is currently unclear whether she will ever be able to have children.

Her boyfriend and her mother are giving her comfort during this difficult time.

Because the 19-year-old does not know how she will make ends meet financially, she has started a fundraising campaignon GoFundMe.