Mother wants to move sofa: What she finds underneath makes her shudder with disgust

Arkansas (USA) - As soon as the festive Christmas season approaches, most households turn their homes upside down in order to be as well organized as possible for the big celebration. This was also the case for Sara Lehr, her husband Cody and their four children from rural Arkansas. Something came to light that nobody would have expected.

Sara Lehr (left) couldn't believe what she had just come across in her own four walls.
Sara Lehr (left) couldn't believe what she had just come across in her own four walls.  © Screenshot/TikTok/barbellsbooks

Landlady Sara wanted to move a few things around for her family of six to create more space for Christmas decorations, as reported byNewsweek.

The centerpiece of the sweaty action: the bulky sofa in the living room!

When the piece of furniture was moved, there was a big surprise: on the floor were elongated and at first glance very strange-looking stripes, which actually turned out to be a large snake skin.

For reasons of credibility, Sara recorded the gruesome scenes on her TikTok channel"barbellsbooks".

The lifeless shock lurked under the sofa: "SOS, help me"

The scaly remains of the reptile behind the sofa were so long that they barely fit on a picture.
The scaly remains of the reptile behind the sofa were so long that they barely fit on a picture.  © Screenshot/TikTok/barbellsbooks

The short video sequence, which went viral on social media at the end of November, was captioned "SOS, help me", but it was far too late for quick help at that point anyway.

"I moved our sofa to sweep and put up our Christmas tree, then I found the snake skin under the edge of the sofa," the woman told Newsweek of the exact sequence of events.

It was only after the skin had been stretched that Sara really understood the full extent of it.

The woman was surprised by the enormous amount of attention the clip had generated with over 3.2 million clicks within just one week. The mother thanked everyone for their advice and mental support.

Was Sara aware of the fact that her state is home to a lot of reptiles? According to the World Population Review, there are 39 different species of snake in Arkansas alone, six of which are venomous. The most common local snake species are the eastern hook-nosed snake and the ground snake.