He hoped for prosperity: "Miracle healer" advises man to be buried alive - dead

Enugu-Ezike (Nigeria) - Deadly ritual: A 26-year-old Nigerian man had himself buried alive on the advice of a witch doctor - with fatal consequences.

The young man had himself buried alive. A miracle healer had asked him to do so.
The young man had himself buried alive. A miracle healer had asked him to do so.  © Jesus Alcazar / AFP

Instead of happiness and prosperity, Chikwado Eze (†26) found death.

The young Nigerian dreamed of a life abroad and already had a work visa in his pocket, reportsthe newspaper"The Punch". But when Chikwado traveled to his village in the west of the African country to tell his family, his father urged him to see the local medicine man.

What followed was simply shocking: The witch doctor advised a particularly strange ritual and demanded that the young man allow himself to be buried alive in a coffin for 90 minutes. The charlatan claimed that this was the only way to ensure that he would be well in the distance.

Chikwado Eze believed the self-proclaimed healer, willingly climbed into his grave and had it filled in. His father stood right next to him, encouraging his son.

26-year-old dies during shuddering ritual

Chikwado Eze (†26) dreamed of a new life abroad. Instead, he was buried alive.
Chikwado Eze (†26) dreamed of a new life abroad. Instead, he was buried alive.  © Screenshot: Facebook

When they dug him up again, the young man was not invigorated, but drenched in sweat and half-dead. Instead of calling for help, the quack tried to revive Chikwado with plenty of incantations, writes the Vanguard portal. Unsuccessfully.

After the shuddering ritual, the 26-year-old was no longer responsive. He was eventually taken to hospital, where doctors could only confirm his death.

Both Enuwa Odugu (48), the suspected witch doctor, and Uwakwe Eze (67), the father of the deceased, have since been arrested. Both men are said to have repeatedly cast "harmful spells", according to angry neighbors.

In an initial interrogation, the medicine man confessed to having performed the death ritual, but denied any blame for Chikwado's untimely death. The young man had not followed certain ritual rules. The faith healer believes that his death was self-inflicted.