Abandoned dog wanders around a garbage dump for months - what happens next is tragic

San Pedro (California/USA) - A few days ago, animal rights activist Suzette Hall received a frightening phone call: A small dog had been abandoned by its former owners at a recycling plant at a harbor almost four months ago.

The dog must have been terrified.
The dog must have been terrified.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Suzette Hall

Although staff were finally able to locate the little furry friend a few days ago and immediately tried everything to help the four-legged friend, he was so frightened that he jumped into the sea without further ado.

"He swam for his life and eventually found refuge under a bridge," explained Hall in a Facebook post. However, it was really dangerous there: "Sometimes the tide was so high that the water came up to his chest."

The American knew immediately that she had to help. Unfortunately, it was to take four long days and nights before the dog could finally be brought to safety.

The dog was stuck here for four long days.
The dog was stuck here for four long days.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Suzette Hall

Suddenly a small miracle happens

Buddy the dog is finally safe!
Buddy the dog is finally safe!  © Facebook/Screenshot/Suzette Hall

Hall regularly put food out for the stray, but he was too scared to come near her. Silently and secretly, he would crawl to the bowl once Hall had moved away, start eating and then run back.

"Every night I went to bed and cried," she continued on Facebook. The worry about her youngest protégé was too great.

As it was too dangerous on the recycling plant, Hall was only allowed to spend a little time on it. "But I just couldn't give up. Last night [...] I prayed and prayed and asked God to make the impossible possible."

And lo and behold, a small miracle happened the next morning!

From one day to the next, the dog, who has since been christened Buddy, was suddenly no longer afraid of Hall. Quite the opposite: he seemed to have finally realized that she had come to help him - and for the first time, the little rascal allowed that to happen.

"I'm still crying from sheer joy," Hall announced happily.