Man goes to the hairdresser for a makeover: but there is immediate confusion

Richmond (Virginia) - When desperation strikes because their hair looks bad and their general appearance is frustrating, many Americans end up at Thai Nguyen. However, the hairdresser from Richmond, Virginia, had to look twice at one of his clients this month. Hadn't he already given him a makeover a few months ago?

Left: the old customer. On the right: the new one. No wonder Thai Nguyen was confused at first.
Left: the old customer. On the right: the new one. No wonder Thai Nguyen was confused at first.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/nguyensteadycutting

There was less confusion for the guest, who at least knew what was going on. In a curious TikTok video that went viral in mid-November, the situation becomes clear.

At first glance, the young customer does indeed look like the guest who appeared in a viral clip by Nguyen in April. But it is his "doppelganger", as he says.

Light brown hair that is too long, a red beard, almost the same glasses and very similar problems with the beginnings of a receding hairline. "I've seen myself sitting on this chair before," jokes the young guy.

In the video, a still image of him is then placed next to that of the former customer. "Yeah, you looked familiar, bro," confirms Nguyen.

But this customer is new, and his problem is as old as his predecessor's: he wants a change of scenery, a new look.

So the hairdresser gets down to business.

Viral TikTok video shows curious doppelganger story

Hardly recognizable: the customer after his makeover.
Hardly recognizable: the customer after his makeover.  © TikTok/Screenshot/nguyensteadycutting

But first, his guest gets a kiss from his girlfriend, who he has brought along for support. Incidentally, he doesn't have to change for the young lady. She explains to the hairdresser that her partner always looks good for her.

Nevertheless, the hair influencer wields the scissors and razor. The result: the customer ends up with significantly shorter hair and a neatly trimmed beard - a difference like night and day.

"Wow, oh my God, bro! (...) You saved me," says the US-American happily when he sees himself in the mirror for the first time after the makeover.

Nguyen then wants to know from his girlfriend whether he can even leave the house with this cool look. But she agrees.

What remains is a happy customer and a hairdresser who can once again look forward to more than 800,000 clicks on TikTok .