Woman rescues half-dead dog from sewer: What happens next breaks too many hearts

Bali (Indonesia) - In Indonesia, a dog was dumped alive in a sewer. An animal welfare organization finally found the four-legged friend, but what happened next breaks so many hearts.

Four-legged friend "Angel" had been "disposed of" in a sewer.
Four-legged friend "Angel" had been "disposed of" in a sewer.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/Instagram/The Dogs Of Bali

When Angel was discovered in the dirty gutter on the side of the road in Bali, the dog was in a very bad way. The four-legged friend was completely starved and dehydrated. In addition to numerous wounds, the animal had lost almost all of its fur.

Unable to free himself from his terrible situation, Angel had simply surrendered to his fate until he was rescued by animal welfare workers.

As an employee of"The Dogs of Bali" reported on Instagram, other people had previously tried to help Angel, but had made a fatal mistake: "He was overdosed," the rescuer wrote in the post.

Several people "with good intentions" had given him strong medication that his body could not tolerate, without knowing that other people had already done the same.

"It's a difficult case - the people meant well, but it caused his body to break down and shut down," said the animal rights activist. They then lost hope and threw him into the sewer like garbage.

Instagram video shows dog being dumped in sewer

They had previously tried to help the dog, but had overdosed its medication. The animal's body collapsed as a result.
They had previously tried to help the dog, but had overdosed its medication. The animal's body collapsed as a result.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/Instagram/The Dogs Of Bali

Even though the dog 's fate already seemed sealed, the organization did everything it could to save his life. At the veterinary clinic, the completely hypothermic four-legged friend was first warmed up and given an infusion to flush the toxins out of his body.

"I was by his side until late at night and then I was back all morning to simply tell him that he was not alone," explains the employee of "The Dogs of Bali". She wanted to show him that he was very much loved and that he was safe.

Just two days later, she posted again on Instagram - but with a tragic message: Angel didn't make it. The street dog died in the arms of his rescuer.

In his honor, the Indonesian woman brought a wreath of flowers to the place where Angel was found.

Dogs are not highly valued in Bali

Despite all the rescue measures that were immediately initiated, "Angel" died in the arms of his rescuer.
Despite all the rescue measures that were immediately initiated, "Angel" died in the arms of his rescuer.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/Instagram/The Dogs Of Bali

On the Indonesian island, street dogs are just as much a part of the cityscape as beautiful beaches. Even though many of the supposed strays have a home, the four-legged friends are not sufficiently cared for.

Unlike in Germany, dogs are not particularly important to most Balinese families and are merely farm animals that have a job to do.

According to finnsbeachclub.com , the fact that local residents are often unable to afford sterilization and allow their pets to roam free in the village means that the population of stray dogs is growing daily and is becoming more and more of a problem.

Local animal welfare organizations such as "The Dogs of Bali" cannot help all the pets due to lack of capacity and are dependent on donations to ensure the medical treatment and subsequent care of the four-legged friends.