Woman weighs 72 kilos less thanks to weight loss injection: But now she has new problems
Chicago (USA) - It's hard to believe that they are one and the same person. But only half of the former 136-kilogram woman Amy Kane (35) is left - as she says herself. Today, the US-American weighs 64 kilograms. The main reason for this is the weight loss injection Ozempic. But Kane now has new problems.

On the one hand, the mother faces the accusation that she only achieved her goal thanks to the injection. On the other hand, she is currently struggling with the excess skin that hangs like an apron, especially on her stomach.
"Losing weight was always a big challenge for me," said the 35-year-old in an interview with Newsweek this week. "It led to years of eating disorders and an unhealthy relationship with food," she added.
Her problems are no accident.
Kane suffers from the hormone disorder polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). She is also insulin resistant. Both conditions can increase the feeling of hunger.
While Kane used to be criticized for being overweight, today she has to justify the fact that she has lost weight with medication. But there is more to her success, she says.
Amy Kane talks about her current problems in a viral TikTok video

Accordingly, today's 64-kilo woman eats in moderation and also concentrates on sufficient fluid intake. She does not want to cut out certain foods, but instead wants to consume more consciously.
"I'm very proud of myself and how hard I've worked. I'm still working on accepting my new body. But overall, I'm embracing it and feeling much more comfortable in my skin," Kane told the US magazine.
It should not go unmentioned at this point that Ozempic can cause many serious side effects such as vomiting, headaches or pancreatitis. The drug should therefore only be used under medical supervision.
Meanwhile, Kane is also spreading the word about her weight loss success on social media. She has more than 240,000 followers on TikTok alone. There, the Ozempic user doesn't mince her words, showing users the sagging skin on her stomach. A few days ago, she went viral again with one of her clips (see above), reaching an audience of millions.
And her plans for the future? Kane wants to undergo cosmetic surgery to tighten her stomach, among other things.
However,her previous visual change has already turnedher life upside down, even without surgery: "I'm treated like a completely different person in society than when I had my bigger body."