Bad suspicion: Was woman murdered in suicide capsule?
Schaffhausen (Switzerland) - Last September, a 64-year-old woman took her own life in a suicide capsule. At least that's what everyone involved assumed. Now a forensic scientist doubts the suicide.

The American took her own life in the "Sarco" suicide capsule on September 24 because she was suffering from an incurable illness.
At her side: Florian Willet, President of the euthanasia organization "The Last Resort" and coordinator of the first "Sarco" mission. He has been in custody ever since!
Willet is accused of being an "accomplice to murder", but such a long pre-trial detention is unusual, as Watson reports.
The Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant has now put forward a new assumption: the pre-trial detention should last longer, as the Schaffhausen public prosecutor's office is investigating premeditated murder.
Was the US-American woman murdered in the suicide capsule?

The reason for this assumption is the suspicion of a forensic scientist. He had found injuries on the woman that were said to resemble strangulation marks.
This gives rise to the suspicion that Willet may have helped because the capsule may not have worked properly. The man was alone with the woman in the forest at the time of the crime.
According to Watson, the two lawyers and the photographer, who were also arrested, only arrived at the capsule after the time of death.
However, the fact that the woman suffered from the rare disease osteomyelitis speaks against the suspicion. This bone marrow infection could have caused the wounds on her neck.
Camera footage that recorded the death process also shows nothing conspicuous. The lid of the device was not opened and tampering with the video would be unlikely.
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung made an inquiry to the Schaffhausen public prosecutor's office. However, the latter did not issue a statement, citing the secrecy of the investigation.
TAG24 does not normally report on suicides. However, as the so-called "suicide capsule" is currently attracting a great deal of public interest, the editorial team has decided to make it a topic after all.
If you are affected by suicidal thoughts yourself, you can contact the telephone counseling service around the clock, anonymously of course. Telephone counseling: 08001110111 or 08001110222 or 08001110116123.