Tragedy on Caribbean cruise: Woman falls off ship, search suspended
Miami - Tragic accident: A 66-year-old woman fell off a cruise ship last week and could not be found.

According to CBS News, the Royal Caribbean cruise ship set sail last week on a four-day Taylor Swift voyage, which included karaoke, a dance party and the exchange of friendship bracelets.
But then tragedy struck: for reasons as yet unknown, a woman (†66) fell from the cruise ship, which was traveling between Miami and Nassau (Bahamas) with over 400 registered fans of US superstar Taylor Swift (34).
The crew immediately launched a search and rescue operation and worked with local authorities to find the 66-year-old, a Royal Caribbean spokesperson said.
The search was suspended a day after she fell into the water, said the US Coast Guard, which also deployed helicopters.
Riots on board

The TikToker"ashleytravels715" reported that she was having a great time on the cruise ship until the accident happened.
In a video, she said that the crew shouted "Oscar" over the loudspeakers. She also added that all the lights on the sides were on and no one was let out. The crew blocked the doors, which led to a huge commotion.
"Oscar" is a term for someone who went overboard.
Investigators assume that the 66-year-old drowned as a result of a tragic accident.