Panicked mother films her children stuck upside down in the ride!
Little Rock (Arkansas/USA) - The world stops for her for a moment: A mother at a fair in the US state of Arkansas has to watch her children get stuck upside down in a ride - and can't do anything about it!

"A couple of people tried to get it to turn, and they got it almost halfway down. Then it went back up, and my kids were still upside down. So I'm panicking. My partner is panicking," a distraught Allyson Metzger told"KATV ABC 7."
Her children: eleven and eight years old, upside down and trapped on the "X-Drive" of the "Arkansas State Fair". She filmed the incident last Saturday, October 12, with her cell phone.
At first it looked as if her eleven-year-old daughter had fallen unconscious, according to the panicked mom. According to Metzger, it took the crew at least 15 minutes to get her children out of the ride. At home, the little girl cried and complained of dizziness and leg pain.

When asked, operators of the ride told the broadcaster that a computer had received an error message. As a result, the "X-Drive" was shut down. "On Saturday afternoon, we evacuated all passengers in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions in the manual and what we constantly train for," Scooter Korek told "KATV ABC 7".