Cake-gate: TikToker horrified when restaurant steals half of his birthday cake!
USA - A TikToker accuses an upscale New York restaurant of stealing half of his birthday cake!

Last Thursday, 25-year-old Ryan Nordheimer posted a clip in which he said that he had spent several hours working on the cake to celebrate a birthday with friends.
At the restaurant, however, the cake was immediately taken away from the group, as staff said it would be a "safety risk" if they cut it themselves.
The staff began to serve the cake from the kitchen, but apparently only gave out "tiny" pieces.
"At the end of the evening, when we asked our waiter where the leftover cake was, we assumed that the remaining half would be brought - instead we were told there was no cake left," says Nordheimer.
The restaurant rejected the claim

"So the only explanation is that this upscale steakhouse in midtown Manhattan took the cake into the kitchen, cut off little pieces for all of us and just ate the rest themselves," the 25-year-old continued.
The video quickly went viral and sparked a heated discussion in the comments, with most users reacting with outrage.
However, a spokesperson for the restaurant explained that there were only two pieces of cake left - "not half the cake", as Nordheimer claimed - and that the employees had in no way eaten the cake themselves.
"While we admit that we did not wrap the remaining two pieces, the allegations that the staff ate the cake are completely false," the spokesperson said.
Eventually, the restaurant relented and offered Nordheimer a free meal.