Experts warn: keep your bras on even when working from home!
Great Britain - Free the boobs? British experts are warning women not to remove their bras from their daily outfits in times of coronavirus isolation.
The consequence of not wearing the sometimes uncomfortable bras would be that women would return from the corona crisis with sagging breasts, clothing technologist Victoria Shelton told theDaily Mail.
The reason for this is that the so-called Cooper ligaments, which are responsible for the stability of the connective tissue in the breast, can be damaged by the high strain of the sometimes enormous breast weight, says Victoria Shelton. The unsightly result: sagging breasts.
To delay this damage to the ligaments for as long as possible, the breasts simply have to be supported on a daily basis. Whether at home or at work.
But it's not just that skipping bras could lead to unwanted premature sagging breasts. Much worse is that not wearing the underwear can lead to postural damage, back problems and back pain.
Plastic surgeon Dr. Riccardo Frat also confirms this theory and advises women to keep their bras on in the fight against gravity.
What are Cooper straps?
The Cooper ligaments (ligamenta suspensoria mammaria) are connective tissue cords that connect the connective tissue of the mammary gland with the pectoral fascia and are thus responsible for the stability of the breast.