Leopard bites girl (†10) to death

Paithan (India) - Simply horrible! In India, a ten-year-old girl was attacked by a leopard in front of her own mother. The girl did not survive the attack.

The girl had no chance against the leopard. (symbolic image)
The girl had no chance against the leopard. (symbolic image)  © 123rf/simoneemanphotography

The central Indian village of Jalgaon has been in mourning since Wednesday. Little Pranali was torn to pieces by a leopard.

According to what is known, the girl was picking cotton with her mother and four other women on a farm on the outskirts of the village. It happened around 5 p.m., reports the portal"Lokmak Times". A leopard was looking for prey and stalked the field workers. Then the predator attacked. Pranali had no chance.

The leopard suddenly jumped into the sixth-grader's back, bit her on the neck and inflicted fatal injuries. The helpless mother had to watch it all. Only when the other women threw stones at the killer cat did it let go of its prey.

The predator escaped into the undergrowth.

After fatal Leo attack: criticism of authorities grows

Pranali died on a cotton plantation. (symbolic image)
Pranali died on a cotton plantation. (symbolic image)  © SAM PANTHAKY / AFP

After the terrible incident, the people of Jalgaon are simply furious.

The leopard is said to have been roaming the area for six months. Residents have repeatedly contacted the authorities, drawing attention to the danger and requesting that traps be set up, reports Lokmat Times. But little has happened since then.

Little Pranali has now been buried with great sympathy. Government representatives have expressed their desire to support the village community financially.

Time and again, devastating encounters between predators and humans occur in India, which often end fatally. For example, there was a terrible incident in the north of the country at the end of July when a leopard mauled little Poonam (†9) while she was playing in the courtyard of her parents' house.